Mayor & Council

Rick Miller
Clerk, Deputy Clerk, Planning Board, Zoning, Property Maintenance, Economic Redevelopment, Board Of Health, Library

Jake Miller
Council President - Finance
CFO, Treasurer, Tax Office, Construction, Courts, Payroll

Keith Hohing
Councilman - Public Safety
Police, Fire, EMS, Emergency Management, Bureau of Fire Safety

Carl Mascarenhas
Councilman - Communications
Youth Athletics, Community Events, Seniors, Website, Grand Openings, Seniors, Celebration Committee, Newsletter

Len Badolato
Councilman - Buildings, Grounds & Recreation
Building Maintenance, Parks/Playground's, Rental Properties, Borough Buildings, Historic Commission, Camp Long a Coming

Millard Wilkinson
Councilman - Public Works, Streets & Roads
Road Maintenance, Trash & Recycling, Organics & Vegetation Control, Engineering Projects, Storm Response

Patricia Cummings
Councilwoman - Water & Sewer
Wells, Sewers, Hydrants, American Water, Water Infrastructure, Water Department