Community Center

Banquet Rates - Residents

Berlin Residents = $175 for two hours (minimum charge )
$350 for 4 hours, $50 for each additional hour


Non Residents = $225 for two hours ( minimum charge)
$450 for 4 hours, $50 for each additional hour

Additional Information

All rentals require a $100 security deposit, and attendant fee of $15 per hour.

All non- profit Berlin Organizations no fee up to 8 hours maximum. $25 per hour over 8 hours
All other residents, $25 per hour
All non- residents/organizations $50 per hour
$50 surcharge for food in conference rooms 

Gym Rentals require security deposit of $100 for half the gym, $150 for the full gym. 

Field Use, $50 for up to 3 hours, $50 for each additional hour over 3 hours. 

Each rental is required to provide a certificate of insurance naming the Borough of Berlin as an additional insured, all usage must have payment in full 30 days prior to requested date of usage.